(Manuscript Found in Accara)-Quotes Collection:

Book: Manuscript Found in Accra
Author: Coelho, Paulo


“None of us can know what tomorrow will hold, because each day has its good and its bad moments.
Does a leaf, when it falls from the tree in winter, feel defeated by the cold?

Does a young man, rejected by his first love, declare that love does not exist?
The young man says to himself: “I’ll find someone better able to understand what I feel.
And then I will be happy for the rest of my days.”

In the cycle of nature there is no such thing as victory or defeat; there is only movement.

. Ever since he fell in love for the first time and was rejected,
he has known that this did not put an end to his ability to love.
What is true in love is also true in war.

Losing a battle or losing everything we thought we possessed will bring us moments of sadness.
But when those moments pass, we will discover the hidden strength that exists in each of us,
a strength that will surprise us and increase our self-respect.


They try to work out what they did wrong and what they did right.
They take advantage of this moment of defeat to rest, heal their wounds, devise new strategies and equip themselves better
Only he who gives up is defeated. Everyone else is victorious
And the day will come when those difficult moments are merely stories to be told proudly to those who will listen.
And they will listen respectfully and learn three important things:
Wait patiently for the right moment to act.
Do not let the next opportunity slip by you.
Take pride in your scars
Scars are medals branded on the flesh
Scars speak more loudly than the sword that caused them.

Only the defeated know Love. Because it is in the realm of Love that we fight our first battles—and generally lose
Such people can say with pride: “I never lost a battle.” On the other hand, they will never be able to say: “I won a battle.”

Woe to those who were never beaten! They will never be winners in this life.

Woe to those who prefer to spend their lives saying: “I never had any opportunities!”

Ask the river: “Do you feel useful, given that all you do is keep flowing in the same direction?”
And the river will answer: “I’m not trying to be useful; I’m trying to be a river.”

Don’t try to be useful. Try to be yourself
. Sometimes taking part in a great battle will be the thing that will help to change the course of history.
But sometimes you can do that simply by smiling, for no reason, at someone you happen to pass on the street.

Do one thing: Live the life you always wanted to live.
. The dangerous thing is trying to transform your dreams into reality.

Joy. That is one of the main blessings of the All Powerful. If we are happy, we are on the right road
“Difficulty” is the name of an ancient tool that was created purely to help us define who we are.


And he answered:
People always say: “It’s inner beauty that matters, not outer beauty.”

Well, that’s not true.
If it were, why would flowers put so much energy into attracting bees? And why would rai
If we resist the temptation to allow other people to define who we are,
then we will gradually be able to let the sun inside our own soul shine forth.

Beauty exists not in sameness but in difference
It is the imperfect that astonishes and attracts us.

They were trying to reflect what came from outside, forgetting that the brightest light comes from within.

But, if we want to make a fire, we have to focus all the sun’s rays on one spot.

Not just fire for burning, but the fire that transforms wheat into bread.

They seem quite mad. And sometimes they behave like mad people, but they are not mad. They have discovered true Love and Will
. Rest a little, but as soon as you can, get up and carry on. Because ever since your goal found out that you were traveling toward it, it has been running to meet you.”

Contradictions are what make love grow. Conflicts are what allow love to remain by our side.

Life is too short for us to keep important words like “I love you” locked in our hearts.

Because we realized that the person who left us did not take the sun with them or leave darkness in their place.
They simply left, and with every farewell comes a hidden hope.

It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

Love is only a word, until we decide to let it possess us with all its force.

Love is only a word, until someone arrives to give it meaning.

Don’t give up. Remember, it’s always the last key on the key ring that opens the door.

I will pass someone trying to destroy a bridge.
I might try to stop him, or I might realize that he is doing it because he has no one waiting for him on the other side.
This is his way of trying to fend off his own loneliness.

. My smile is my way of saying: “You can destroy my body, but not my soul.”

loneliness is a lie, because the Universe is there to keep me company.

Everything is permitted, if everything is accepted.

You will be loved and respected only if you love and respect yourself.
Never try to please everyone; if you do, you will be respected by no one.

“Seek out those who think differently from you and whom you will never be able to convince that you are right.”

Avoid at all costs those who are only by your side in moments of sadness to offer consoling words.
What they are actually saying to themselves is: “I am stronger. I am wiser. I would not have taken that step.”

Stay close to those who are by your side in happy times,
because they do not harbor jealousy or envy in their hearts, only joy to see you happy.

Avoid those who believe they are stronger than you, because they are actually concealing their own fragility.

Avoid those who talk a great deal before acting,
those who never take a step without being quite sure that it will bring them respect.

Avoid those who seek friends in order to maintain a certain social status
or to open doors they would not otherwise be able to approach.

Stay close to those who are interested in opening only one important door: the door to your heart.
Because happiness is contagious and will always manage to find a solution,
whereas logic can find only an explanation for the mistake made
Elegance is not an outer quality, but a part of the soul that is visible to others.

The simplest things in life are the most extraordinary.
I fell asleep and dreamed that life was only Happiness.
I woke and discovered that life was Duty.
I did my Duty and discovered that life was Happiness.

“Then I will love the rock that I have to carry to the top of the mountain.
That way, each minute by its side will be a minute spent closer to the one I love.”

The poet would die of hunger if there were no shepherds.
The shepherd would die of sadness if he could not sing the words of the poet.

To he who knocks, the door will open.
He who asks will receive.
He who consoles knows that he will be consoled
Success comes to those who do not waste time comparing what they are doing with what others are doing;
it enters the house of the person who says “I will do my best” every day.

Do not try to make the road shorter, but travel it in such a way that every action leaves the land more fertile and the landscape more beautiful.

Until the wheat is in the oven, it cannot be called bread.

Until the words are spoken, they cannot be called a poem.

Until the threads are woven together by the hands of the person working them, they cannot be called cloth.

What is success?
It is being able to go to bed each night with your soul at peace.

Help us to understand that there are certain things so important that we have to discover them without anyone’s help,
and that we should not feel alone and helpless because You are there with us,
ready to intervene if our feet go perilously close to the abyss.

Help us to know that when our legs are tired, we can keep walking, thanks to the strength in our hearts, and that when our hearts are tired, we can still carry on, thanks to the strength of our Faith
“Work harder, so you won’t have to think. Work harder than you need to, so that you can stop living altogether.

“I need time to look at the stars in order to feel inspired and to be able to do my job well.”

It will never disappear, but the great wisdom of life is to realize that we can be the masters of the things that try to enslave us.

The greatest gift God gave us is the power to make decisions.

: many of us believe that we will hurt those we love if we leave everything behind in the name of our dreams.
But those who truly want the best for us want us to be happy, even if they can’t understand what we are doing,
and even if, at first, they try to stop us from going ahead by means of threats, promises, and tears.

It’s true that some vases do break—a promise of loyalty broken.
In that case, it’s best to sweep up the pieces and throw them away, because what was broken will never be the same again.

Where there is loyalty, weapons are of no use.
All weapons are instruments of evil because they are not the instruments of the wise man.

 Let us, then, be masters of our tongue and not slaves of our words.
But the greatest pain will be caused by those we thought were examples to be followed

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